Stories of Transformation with Noesdieta

Get inspired with stories of people who have transformed their lives with my help!

Thank you for helping me to recover my body, and with that my physical and emotional health! This year, with your help, and nutritional guidance not only have I managed to lose weight, I also have more energy, I am more sure of myself and I feel HAPPY!!

The nutrition plan has been tailored to my tastes, needs and lifestyle. I enjoy all of my meals and of truth, that all is very simple, practical, delicious and the best (for me) is I am not a slave to the kitchen :D.

Thank you, a thousand and a thousand thanks for sharing everything you know with me!
Raisa Meneses
Online Consultancy
Shop for this event to meet you in person and thank you very much, that without knowing, did for me and I'm sure for many other people.
Meet & Greet
Lore, imagine that I was taking super efficient and I had not since neither the flu!! When I know I ended up I was slow to ask for more distracted!! And you spend two months without level up and you saw the disease that I got!! It has given Me the flu more horrific!! I thought hell I I stopped taking the pills Lore!!!! I love evil!!!
Level UP
My Loreeee!!! I felt really good and the pills have helped me a lot to you don't ride a picoteandooo in the afternoon, it was my biggest problem... this is my the third day!!!!!!! On Monday, I made the meal prep and great.
Level UP
I am excited to begin the challenge... really Lore, you're the only dietitian, who has been with the nail to be able to be at my ideal weight. What that I need is perseverance, and the nudge to the challenge I give you. Happy day and blessings to Matthew and Milan.
The challenge is not only made me a physical cleansing, but also emotional and mental. The set full he gave me that sacudon and has kept me inside a philosophy of well-being. The results I started to see a few days, the inflammation, the energy, and as you say/ said, the body keeps asking for things that you're offering. I removed all the supplements - probiotics, hormanal medicine, energizing - and only I Level up - in the morning and in the evening. And it was amazing that in a few weeks felt a setting full of my stomach, the skin - especially your face, the rest in the night, and the mood in the morning. During the challenge I had my cycle and was less doloros and less abundant, but in the past - a few days ago, it is where I was able to contastar the real change, the duration was regular "4 days" - before he could spend a week, the pain was manageable and minimal, and the abundance was regular. Already I felt that I he was the soul in the menstrual cycle.
Challenge - Level UP
Yesterday when I weighed myself I found that finally I'm at the weight I started with you for the first time and in addition of that, I feel that the program has helped me with these other little things that go beyond weight loss:

- I feel pretty again.
- My face is super soft and not me is coming out almost acne.
- My hair is strong and bright (more usual).
- I have removed the spots on the legs that were super dark and also I left very followed by the rubbing of the legs (still rozo, but I'm impressed how I have removed the stains).
- I've set up clothes that had YEARS without me and that I loved.
- I have less cellulite, even if you still have.
- I feel good and happy, at least with my process.

I thank you for that Lore. Now comes the plan V 🙂 Here I send you my new photos, and also a sending of the Emmy and I've taken this a week where I feel beautiful (and my food) Love u!
Andrea Torres
Hello Lore I tell you that I am very motivated and happy with the challenge. I lie down and amanezco without inflammation. What that happens with me is that I am very addicted to the sweet-the first week I found it a little strong, but this week I have not felt the anxiety eat fresh. Many thanks
Challenge: Sugar Cleanse
First of all I just want to thank you for all your support and your good energy to help xq believe me that I had never felt so good going down, and getting back to my ideal weight without tricks, without anxiety, without Medication crazy in general I am super happy with the results, I feel very well and good to want to keep on losing weight and fat) I have to confess q last week I didn't follow very well the nutritional plan I did a how many substitutions but I am here I try to keep motivated xq is not diet is nutrition and well-being!!!!!
Lore I want to thank you for your commitment and guidance! I have been few days challenge but I feel super! Thanks for the push that you give me to return to my eating habits healthy!
Many thanks to Lore!!! The second time q I challenge you and I love it!!!!! A hug
Hello Lore is Maria Auxiliadora, I love you tell you that I kept doing the diet I designed for weight loss and alternate diet-anti-inflammatory and since I started with you've lost 10 pounds, that is to say, that to reach my goal, I started with 124 and now I'm in 114.6, I'm taking the level up and the slim, I think that taking the slim twice a day, every day has helped me a lot and another thing that I think is my metabolism has changed for the better, there are weekends that I have gone out and I have continued to lose weight! Thank you for my part I will continue to eat as up to now what I'm doing.
Level UP - Slim
I hope I find you well this Wednesday middle of the week, I attached the results of my lab. I want to give my testimony because I am very happy since long before you begin in the challenge of fasting I had very low blood white (1 year) until I was sent where a specialist of the blood, made me quite exams and thanks to God, dismissed the possibility of having cancer, but still not I said what was the cause of my having the white blood cells are low.

I started the challenge with you and taking pills to level up without really think a lot of that was going to have a change in me, or, better said, he had very little faith. Even so, what I did. I did it again the exams blood the last week and as you can see in the results thanks to God and to you I have no under the blood cells, white.

I am extremely grateful to you, God will continue multiplying in wisdom for you help many more people. I wanted to share my happiness and thank you. Now with much more spirit to continue with this new stage of power change my body not only for the outside, if not also and more importantly on the inside.
Juhely Rooms
Challenge: Fasting - Level UP
Hello Lore!! Just today I got your book in the morning! And let me tell you that I love all of their content, you will note effort, love and dedication that put on each of your words. You tell you that I am from El Salvador and study Nutrition and Dietary, since I will follow you I love most of my career-and I share your philosophy that nutrition is not synonymous diet as unfortunately, he thinks. I admire you a lot, that God will continue to bless to continue to touch lives! A hug.
My Loreeee.!!! Because of this I end up enroll in the challenge (thank you for the code for discount) with muchoooosss nerviosss.!! I wish I could to do that without sugar.!! Trust in yourself and in your working 101% 're the best and you know the love that I have you.! You were muyyyy important at a time of our lives and Walter and I always say you and your dad were the little angels we command God. Now, at this moment of my life NECESITO0O return to tili.!!!! So we are going with the attorney.!!!
Challenge: Sugar Cleanse
Lore!! Was about to write to you! you don't know how well I've felt these days with the fasting, on the contrary to what you might thinking up to 16 hours without eating ... the energy that I have WOW
Challenge: Intermittent Fasting
Lore. It has fascinated Me your challenge and it definitely interests me a lot working with you to help me with my condition of IBS. During this first week I have kept it super very juciosa incorporating foods that before or sounding I could eat. I have eaten broccoli, asparagus, pepper red, and up to brussels sprouts and I have settled of wonders. I deeply appreciate your help